First visit and diagnostic

What should I expect?

A conversation awaits you, we will ask in detail about everything related to your state of health: symptoms of the disease, their changes over time, the influence of the environment and the time of year, your emotional state and constitution, etc. It may seem to you that these questions have nothing to do with your problem, but for the doctor, this information is of great value, because this informations are like pieces of a puzzle that reveal a whole picture of imbalance. Pulse and tongue diagnostics will follow. The doctor will examine the pulse on both hands and assess not the number of its beats, but its quality, which will tell about the state of your internal organs. Language reflects the state of your body at the moment. Therefore, it will be important to take a photo of your tongue in order to objectively evaluate the results of the treatment in the future.

How should I bring with me for the initial diagnostic?

Bring your medical certificates and doctors' reports if you have any. Make a list of the medications that you are taking on a daily or fairly frequent basis. Write on a piece of paper all the symptoms that concern you, such a "cheat sheet", this will help you to tell the doctor about everything without forgetting anything 🙂

What I should not do before my visit to the ESCARE clinic?

Before the visit refrain from consuming coloring products such as coffee, blueberries, beets, curry, which can color the tongue and we will not be able to objectively assess the current state of the body.

About herbs

How to use chinese medicine herbal decoctions?

On an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals. This will allow for better absorption of the herbs. Before use, immerse the herbal decoction bag in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes to warm it up slightly. Never reheat in the microwave! If you really do not like the taste of the herbal decoction, you can add a spoonful of honey to it or drink it with juice, but do not eat anything!

How to prepare a herbal decoction out of dried herbs

Pour herbs into a glass cooking container, pour 600 ml of cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Then put on fire and bring to a boil uncovered to prevent excessive foaming. After boiling, lightly cover to release steam and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain the broth through a plastic sieve and drink after cooling. Return the strained herbs to the container and leave for a second preparation, preferably in the cold. Repeat the procedure as for the first boil, cook for 30 minutes from the beginning of boiling.

About therapies

How long is this going to take to heal?

This is very individual and depends on many factors: the nature of the disease and its duration, as well as on the capabilities of your body. Some minor problems can be resolved in one visit, while chronic ones require several months of treatment. Chinese medicine is slower than Western medicine and requires patience, but it gives long-term results. Improvement should be felt up to a maximum of 2-3 months, most often much earlier.

How often should I attend therapies?

The frequency of visits is from 1x a day to 1x a week. For example, paresis of the facial nerve requires daily therapy. Painful conditions, depending on the severity, from one to three times a week. Chronic problems - at least once a week.

What can and cannot be done after therapy?

You can do everything that your body allows you. If you are full of energy, then you can do anything. If you feel relaxed, just rest.

What is the difference between medical acupuncture and traditional Chinese acupuncture?

A Western doctor, based on the diagnosis, inserts needles, most often into points on the painful area, thereby stimulating the sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles. As a result, the body produces natural pain relieving endorphins. A Chinese doctor selects acupuncture points depending on the so-called "disease picture", guided by traditional diagnostics and millennial treatment protocols. Thanks to this, it achieves to eliminate the very cause of the problem, and not just its manifestation.

How to find a qualified TCM doctor?

It is difficult, but it is possible 🙂 There are no official legislative criteria. Therefore, of course, it is best to find your doctor based on the recommendations of your friends or patients whom this doctor has already helped. Good TCM doctors who have received formal education in accredited universities of TCM, as a rule, are recorded in the register of the Chamber of TCM. A personal visit to the clinic and the free initial consultation with a doctor will help you to make sure that the treatment will be comfortable for you.

Acupuncture: does it hurt?

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